Selected Crypto Whitepapers, by Richard W. DeVaul

Being a collection of whitepapers on crypto-related topics, including large-scale decarbonization, UBI, and decentralized telecommunications.

Project CARBON

Aligning incentives to drive planet-scale carbon sequestration through cryptocurrency and transparent governance.

LUD: Local UBI Dollar

The LUD is a locally-issued currency that leverages tax credits to achieve universal basic income without additional dollar-denominated taxation.

XNET Whitepaper, Governance, and Sustainability

A blockchain-powered true 4G/5G mobile network — the XNET Whitepaper (pdf), the XNET Governance paper (pdf), and the XNET Sustainability paper (pdf).

Rich's Github

For other projects and source code, see Rich's Github

Rich's CV

Rich's CV, current as of Q2 2023